Tuesday, December 9, 2014

2014 Spring Hill College Fall Tournament

The Warriors finished up another long, but exciting weekend bowling the Spring Hill College Fall Tournament in Mobile, Alabama. Both the Men and Women swept the tournament on November 15 and 16, 2014.
            This collegiate tournament was different than the some of the other collegiate tournaments the Warriors bowl. This tournament is split up as two separate tournaments in one weekend, with on being on Nov. 15 and the other on Nov. 16. The first tournament consisted of 7 individual-team games on a pattern called Toky
o, which is 43 ft. in length. The second day consisted of 36 baker games on a pattern called Los Angles, which is 36 ft. in length.

            There were 3 Webber Mens teams that participated in the tournament this weekend in Mobile, Alabama. The Webber guys dominated the two tournaments this weekend with the Varsity Men winning both the Saturday and the Sunday tournament.

On Saturday Webber's sophomore Tanner Johnson, who had never bowled with the Varsity Men before, won the all tournament team in his first time on the varsity team. After a long day of bowling, the Varsity Men won after the 7 team games and JV 1 came in third.

Sunday was an amazing day for the Webber guys. The Men had the challenge of bowling on the short pattern, Los Angles 36 ft., for 36 baker games. The Men communicated not only within their individual teams, but also with the other two Webber Men’s teams to know the right moves to make on the different lanes and also to show that in the end, the three teams were all still one team. Varsity Men came in first, JV 1 in second, and JV 2 finished third after the 36 games of baker.

            The Women started off strong on Saturday with shooting an 1100 set for game one, and then kept the rest of the games around 950. The Women did have two sets that were very rough and required a large amount of communications and teamwork to make it through those two sets. In the end, the Women prevailed and won the first tournament of the weekend!

For the second day, the Women started off strong leading the field by over 100 pins over second. The team worked diligently throughout the day during the 36 baker games, which over time, gets very tiring on the mind and the body. Florida State Women we trailing behind the Webber Women towards the last 8 baker games, which told the Webber Women to work harder to keep the lead. The last few games took a large amount of hard work, but it paid off to have the Webber Women win the second tournament of the weekend!

The Men are conducting a tryout for the top 8 Men who will be traveling with the Women to the Christmas tournaments in Las Vegas soon.

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