Friday, September 26, 2014

This just in: Columbia 300 it is!

Webber International Bowling Team would like to announce the recent press release of the partnership with Columbia 300 as the main bowling equipment company that the team will be utilizing this year! The teammates, coaches, and team as a whole decided to allow a different sponsorship for the Webber program. Since the start of the program, the team has had a strong relationship with Ebonite, which was the bowling equipment
company Webber has been sponsored with from the beginning. Coaches Del Warren and Randy Stoughton have conversed with Ebonite to let the main bowling equipment line for Webber to be Columbia 300. Ebonite has supplied the Webber team with an abundant amount of not just bowling balls, but accessories and bags as well, which throughout the past 6 years, the entire team and coaches have been exceptionally grateful for the generosity and support from Ebonite since the beginning of the program. The team will be able to still throw the other three companies during the collegiate season, which are Ebonite, Hammer, and Track. The team and coaches are very excited to be able to throw Columbia 300 equipment and also still be able to throw Ebonite, Hammer, and Track during competition. Below is a link to the press release from Kegel Training Center:

Click here for the Webber Bowling Press Release of Sponsorship with Columbia 300 via Kegel Training Center

Change may seem to be a frightening or unknown feeling for some people. Some people feel fearful of what may come. However, being a warrior is taking the fear and the unknown and embracing those feelings and instead of wondering what will happen, actually see what happens with the change. This change of equipment sponsorship is not out of any ill feelings towards Ebonite or other ball companies in the bowling industry. Webber has succeeded with the help and support from Ebonite over the past 6 years of the program; 6 years, 6 national championships. Ebonite has done nothing but help our program, which is why the coaches, team, and Ebonite have created this new sponsorship to help the bowlers utilize the equipment that will help them individually perform their best in each moment to help the team as a whole succeed. We are not fearful of the change, but instead thankful for the opportunity and also thankful to still be part of a great bowling company within the bowling industry. 

Over the course of the year, videos will be posted to show some of the Webber teammates throwing the Columbia 300, Ebonite, Hammer, and Track equipment, with a small description of the ball dynamics and where it fits in that teammates arsenal. Stay tuned for these videos in the future! 

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