Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Kamilah Dammers Killin' It!!!

     During the Thanksgiving Break, one of Webber's Teammates went to the Central American Games located in Veracruz, Mexico. Kamilah Dammers represented her home country, Aruba, in the Central American Games in Singles, Doubles, Trios, Team, All Events, and Masters. Throughout the
long and rigorous week and a half, Kamilah conquered not only the lanes, but some personal
accomplishments as well! For singles, Kamilah shot a record breaking 1516 for 6 games! Yes you read correctly; 1516 for 6 games earning for her handwork Gold!! She also shot her very first 300 game on short with the a 1992 Columbia 300 U2. Kamilah also earned Silver in the Master event! Including these amazing accomplishments, Kamilah also broke or tied 6 other records at the Central American Games:

  • High 3 Games Series in Team Event: 725
  • High Series Team Event: 1365
  • High Game Trios Event: 279
  • High Series Trios Event: 1415
  • High Game All Events: 300
  • High Series All Events: 5465
      Most Americans do not know what the Central American Games are exactly. The Games are a regional Olympics, with 36 different types of sports, over 5700 athletes representing 31 different countries in the Central American Region. The Games allows for the athletes to compete and to continue to stay active in their sport for other olympics occur, such as the Summer
Olympics the world looks forward for each 4 years! The athletes support not just their own teammates in their sports, but also support the other teammates of their country in other sports. The athletes go to watch their other teammates from their home country and to help cheer them on in every match, game, or meet. Also, athletes make friends and build relationships with athletes from other countries. Even though the athletes compete for their home country, the love for the sports competed for is still a common bond that brings not just athletes together, but also countries together from around the world. 

     Congratulations Kamilah Dammers, the Warrior from One Happy Island! 

Watch below Kamilah shoot her first 300 at the Central American Games! 


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

2014 Spring Hill College Fall Tournament

The Warriors finished up another long, but exciting weekend bowling the Spring Hill College Fall Tournament in Mobile, Alabama. Both the Men and Women swept the tournament on November 15 and 16, 2014.
            This collegiate tournament was different than the some of the other collegiate tournaments the Warriors bowl. This tournament is split up as two separate tournaments in one weekend, with on being on Nov. 15 and the other on Nov. 16. The first tournament consisted of 7 individual-team games on a pattern called Toky
o, which is 43 ft. in length. The second day consisted of 36 baker games on a pattern called Los Angles, which is 36 ft. in length.

            There were 3 Webber Mens teams that participated in the tournament this weekend in Mobile, Alabama. The Webber guys dominated the two tournaments this weekend with the Varsity Men winning both the Saturday and the Sunday tournament.

On Saturday Webber's sophomore Tanner Johnson, who had never bowled with the Varsity Men before, won the all tournament team in his first time on the varsity team. After a long day of bowling, the Varsity Men won after the 7 team games and JV 1 came in third.

Sunday was an amazing day for the Webber guys. The Men had the challenge of bowling on the short pattern, Los Angles 36 ft., for 36 baker games. The Men communicated not only within their individual teams, but also with the other two Webber Men’s teams to know the right moves to make on the different lanes and also to show that in the end, the three teams were all still one team. Varsity Men came in first, JV 1 in second, and JV 2 finished third after the 36 games of baker.

            The Women started off strong on Saturday with shooting an 1100 set for game one, and then kept the rest of the games around 950. The Women did have two sets that were very rough and required a large amount of communications and teamwork to make it through those two sets. In the end, the Women prevailed and won the first tournament of the weekend!

For the second day, the Women started off strong leading the field by over 100 pins over second. The team worked diligently throughout the day during the 36 baker games, which over time, gets very tiring on the mind and the body. Florida State Women we trailing behind the Webber Women towards the last 8 baker games, which told the Webber Women to work harder to keep the lead. The last few games took a large amount of hard work, but it paid off to have the Webber Women win the second tournament of the weekend!

The Men are conducting a tryout for the top 8 Men who will be traveling with the Women to the Christmas tournaments in Las Vegas soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Remembering David Jennings

     The Kegel Family lost one of their members on October 17, 2014. David Jennings past away after his brief battle with cancer at the age of 59. He was one of the founders of Kegel in 1981, alongside
John Davis, who past away January 25, 2013. David Jennings was one of the lead mechanics for Kegel and knew exactly how to fix the mechanical problems and issues that the Training Center and other bowling centers faced. Through him knowing exactly how to fix the machines helped the research and development department know how to make certain mechanical problems disappear. David was the guy who built the different machines that now are being used by bowling centers around the world. He contributed to the sport and industry of bowling through making the machines working and functioning properly. 

     During the Brunswick Southern Collegiate Classic Tournament on Nov. 1 and 2 in Marietta, Georgia, the Webber Bowling Team wore black bands to show their remembrance, respect, and how thankful they were for everything David Jennings did for Kegel, the Webber Team, and the sport of bowling. We will always remember you David Jennings. 

2014 Brunswick Southern Collegiate Classic Tournament

     The Webber Warriors finished up their 3rd collegiate tournament, 2nd Tier 1 tournament, of the 2014-2015 season this past weekend of Nov. 1 & 2 at Brunswick Zone Austell. The tournament showed some different challenges that have not yet been seen to the Warriors, but this did not stop them from learning and accepting the challenge from the start!
     The tournament took place over two days, with day one consisting of 6 individual-team games, and day two consisting of 12 two-game baker matches against random teams. The pattern was not announced, but through the Warriors assessment, the pattern seemed to be around 40 ft with higher volume of oil across the lane. On day one, the Men started out slow and after the 6 individual-team games,the Men finished the day 6th out of the 22 collegiate teams attending the tournament. Day two starts off bright and early with the Men bowling 12 two-game baker matches, with bonus points possible for each team winning their two-game baker matches total. The Men had 20 strong games, but started to have some difficulties with the last couple matches and eventually finished the tournament at 5th out of the 22 Mens teams, with a 10,925 total pinfall for 54 games bowled over the entire weekend. This gave the Men an average of 202.31 for the weekend.
     The Women bowled very consistently throughout the first day with the 6 individual-team games, but the struggle and challenge was still staring the Women in the face from moving from pair to pair. The Women were determined and went in with the strategy of if a teammate is not striking, then the teammate is working hard to make the spare and fill frames from shot to shot. The Women finished 2nd after day one behind Pikeville University. The Women decided to go with a different strategy day two and it helped start the team on with a better mindset early in the day. The Women had some matches that were high and low, but in the end, the Women worked diligently to finish 3rd with a total pinfall of 10,286 for the 54 games bowled over the entire weekend. This gave the Women an average of 190.48 for the weekend. Also, Kamilah Dammers, Senior on the Bowling Team and in school, finished 3rd in the All Tournament Team this weekend, accomplishing something very difficult for how challenging the tournament was at Brunswick Zone Austell. 

     Also, the Kegel Family lost one of the founders of Kegel. In remembrance of David Jennings, the entire Webber Team wore black arms bands to remember that David Jennings was part of the growth of Kegel, our Webber team, but most importantly, to the sport that he held near and dear to his heart each and every day. Another blog post will be posted soon to detail the life of David Jennings and showing, not just the bowling world, but the world as a whole, how much of an impact he had with his time here. 

~ R.I.P David Jennings Oct. 17, 2014 ~

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2014 UCF Collegiate Shootout

The Webber Warriors continue the season with their second tournament this past weekend for the 2014 UCF Collegiate Shootout. The Webber Varsity Men finished 2nd to FSU Varsity Men in the Varsity division, while the Webber JV 1 Men’s team finished 1st and JV 2 Men’s team finished 2nd in the Men’s JV division, and the Webber Women finished 3rd in the Women’s Varsity division. This event was held at Oviedo Bowling Center in Oviedo, FL.

Day one for the Webber Varsity Men started off strong with having leading after the 6 games of individual team games of qualifying by 238 pins above second! The Webber JV 1and 2 Men’s teams started off strong as well day one with the JV 1 team leading the Men’s JV division and the JV 2 team taking second in the same division by over 650 pins above third! These stats are completely amazing for all of the Webber Men’s teams.

Day two continued to have all the Webber Men’s team holding the lead at the UCF Collegiate shootout! Coming to the semi-finals, The Webber Varsity Men beat UCF Varsity Men in a best 2 out of 3 baker match 2.5-.5. The men then get prepared to face FSU Varsity Men’s team. Unfortunately, the Webber Men lose to FSU 2-0, giving FSU Varsity Men the win of the UCF Collegiate Shootout.

            For the Webber JV Men’s teams, the teams continued to work hard and eventually made it to the end of the finals baker 2 out of 3 match. Both JV teams from the same school facing off in the final match to bring home the win! Both teams worked hard and continued to stay in the moment. Even though each team wanted to win, both teams expressed sportsmanship and the Webber Way to the end. The Webber JV 1 Men’s team ended up defeating the Webber JV 2 Men’s team 2-0.

          Usually throughout the collegiate tournaments, a Webber Warrior will not make the All Tournament Team. This is due to the belief of collegiate bowling being strictly and truly a TEAM sport. In order to be eligible for an All Tournament Team Award, the bowler needs to be part of a team, which always comes first being part of the Webber program. However, sometimes the coaches will allow a bowler to make the ATT, which is what happened this weekend. Stuart Snedden from Scotland made the All Tournament Team. In order to make the ATT, the bowler needs to bowl all of the individual-team games to be eligible and then also to have one of the top 5 averages of the qualifying bowlers for the event. Stuart averaged 206.17 for the 6 qualifying games, finishing 2nd for ATT!

Day one for the tournament started with 3 individual team games in the morning, a lunch break, and then 3 more individual team games in the afternoon. The Webber Women started out kind of slow the first few games, restoring for the team to use some different strategies. The women continued to work hard throughout the day and conquered the lanes to sit first with 5,951 total at the end of the 6 games after day 1, being 452 pins above 2nd!

Day two was more challenging for the Webber Women. The scores were not as high and the conditions caused the women and Coach Randy Stoughton to change their plan of action. At the end of the 20 baker match games, the Webber Women were seeded 1st for the top 4 teams of best two out of three baker semi-finals matches. The women bowled two baker games against Spring Hill Women. Many great shots were thrown, but in the end, the Webber Women lost the best two out of three match against Spring Hill to be eliminated from the tournament. Even though this is not how the team wanted to end the tournament, the women stayed together and worked hard on each shot during semi-finals.

The Webber Warriors have a couple of weeks before heading to their next tournament in Marietta, GA. Stay tuned for all the results from the next tournament of the Warriors!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Midwest Collegiate Bowling Tournament

     Well the first tournament of the season has concluded and the Webber Warriors have started off the season on a high note! The Webber Men finished 3rd in the Midwest Collegiate Bowling Tournament while the Webber Women finished 2nd! This is the 44th event for this tournament held at AMF Bowlero Bowling Center in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

     With most of the Men's team being a new and young team, some of you may be wondering exactly how the tournament went for the guys. The Men actually had an amazing first day of competition. The men kept communication between each other and the energy high, which led to the first day finish of 2nd out of the 40 competing men's teams! Even though the team worked very hard the next day, the Webber Men were unfortunately not able to make up those pins to win the tournament. The Men worked hard during the 12 baker games, to move their way back up in the standings. The Men bring home 3rd place for their first collegiate tournament of the 2014-15 season, but this does not mean the men experienced defeat. 

The Webber Women started off the tournament with a bang! The first set of 5 team games was a total of 1146, with the average for the 5 women in the line being 229.2 per person! The games later on tended to get more and more difficult for the women and scores started to get lower and lower as the day went on. However, the Women fought and came out with 2nd after the first day of competition. On the second day, the scores continued to not be as high as the beginning of day one. At the end of the qualifying team games, the women sat in 4th. After the end of the 12 baker games, the Webber Women bring home 2nd from their first collegiate tournament of the 2014-15 season! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Warrior!

Though the Webber Warriors are starting off their 7th season with the new sponsorship with Columbia 300, the Warriors are still able to utilize the other valuable equipment choices from Ebonite, Hammer, and Track! During the 2013-2014 season, Ebonite contacted Coaches Del Warren and Randy Stoughton about an amazing offer. Ebonite wanted the Webber Warriors to have our own Webber Bowling ball!. Here is a video of three Webber teammates that are throwing the Ebonite Warrior on some different conditions. Enjoy! 

Below are the specs of the Ebonite Warrior 15 lbs.:
RG: 2.48
Diff: .032
Coverstock: Warrior Hybrid Reactive
Surface NIB: Warrior Symmetric 

If you choose to want a Warrior part of your tournament arsenal, you can contact a representative at Kegel Training Center for your Warrior today!